Choose the best film of the All About Economy Film Days Festival
The organizers don’t necessarily agree with the films shown, but take them as a starting point for discussion.
We invite you to vote and select the best film of the All About Economy Film Days Festival in 2 categories:
A) Best Documentary Film
B) Best Feature Film
Cast your vote for a film and briefly express your opinion. We will reward the most interesting opinions. Your opinions will also be very helpful in selecting the repertoire of our subsequent editions of the Festival. We use a 5-scale film rating system, whith 1 star lowest
to highest 5 stars.
Film Rating System:
★★★★★ Favorite / Masterpiece / Enriching and Transformative
★★★★ Very Good / Interesting Concept and Execution / Enlightening
★★★ Good / Interesting Concept or Execution / Mixed Feelings
★★ Disappointing / Mediocre and Uninteresting / Regrettable
★ Failure / Wholly Deficient / Toxic
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Chain Reaction (2022)
Runtime 54 min
Chain Reaction
For the end consumer, it’s simple enough to order an item off Amazon and wait for it at home. In this documentary, the item ordered was a simple, everyday USB charger. They followed every step of its 14,000-mile journey to uncover what happens behind the scenes from when it leaves a factory halfway around the world until it arrives at your doorstep.

Globalization: Winners and losers in world trade
Runtime 42 min
Globalization: Winners and losers in world trade
Globalization used to be a guarantor of economic growth. No longer, and the losers are poorer nations. They have restricted access to global markets and are largely excluded from beneficial labor migration.

Manufacturing in America, post-globalisation
Runtime 32 min
Manufacturing in America, post-globalisation
The FT’s global business columnist Rana Foroohar looks at why the US should bring manufacturing jobs back home. In the second of three films based on her new book, ‘Homecoming: the path to prosperity in a post-global world’, she follows the all-American supply chain of clothing company American Giant, to see how it impacts jobs, businesses and communities

China rising, Europe reluctant - Can America lead again?
Runtime 25 min 56
China rising, Europe reluctant - Can America lead again?
Joe Biden says “America is back,” all set to lead the democratic world in a major pushback against authoritarian China. But is America still in a position to lead? China’s power and wealth are now greater than ever before. And the US is profoundly weakened, by failed wars overseas and failed politics at home. As the two superpowers drift further into geopolitical confrontation, US allies in Europe face a fateful choice: do they go all-in with America, or do they try to hedge their bets by keeping strong relations with China? It’s a choice that will have massive consequences for the future of America in the world. Because how can it lead, if nobody will follow? DW Chief International Editor Richard Walker meets some of the world’s leading experts on international relations and US politics, and asks Angela Merkel herself: why does she seem so reluctant to embrace American leadership?

Economic entanglement and systematic rivalry: Germany and China at a crossroad
Runtime 38 min
Economic entanglement and systematic rivalry: Germany and China at a crossroad
China is Germany’s biggest trading partner. Almost 1 in 3 shipping containers in the German city of Hamburg is either heading to China, or coming in from a Chinese port. This is a story of how Germany pumped up its economy on business with China and how it got closer than any other western power to the leaders in Beijing. Only to wonder if all of this is a good idea. Under president Xi Jinping, China has become a darker dictatorship, one that’s challenging the power and values of the West. China is not only developing, but also bit by bit exporting an authoritarian regime that is antagonistic against our belief in democracy and human rights. The US is lining up the West to take a stand for democracy in a battle of the systems that will define this century. Many want Germany to join. There’s going to be pressure from within the German population, from Germany’s major allies outside of Europe, pushing Germany towards a harder line. But is Germany really prepared to risk all this in a showdown with China? Germany’s new government faces a choice – a dilemma. Should it keep following the money? Or does it need to think again? In this video we’re going to find out how Germany got so entangled with China, how the last few years have shown what it is they’re really dealing with. And we’ll examine whether the new team running Germany really wants to make a new start.

Documentary film: Economic entanglement and systemic rivalry: Germany and China at a crossroads
Runtime 37:47min
Documentary film: Economic entanglement and systemic rivalry: Germany and China at a crossroads
China is Germany’s biggest trading partner. Almost 1 in 3 shipping containers in the German city of Hamburg is either heading to China, or coming in from a Chinese port. This is a story of how Germany pumped up its economy on business with China and how it got closer than any other western power to the leaders in Beijing. Only to wonder if all of this is a good idea. Under president Xi Jinping, China has become a darker dictatorship, one that’s challenging the power and values of the West. China is not only developing, but also bit by bit exporting an authoritarian regime that is antagonistic against our belief in democracy and human rights. The US is lining up the West to take a stand for democracy in a battle of the systems that will define this century. Many want Germany to join. There’s going to be pressure from within the German population, from Germany’s major allies outside of Europe, pushing Germany towards a harder line. But is Germany really prepared to risk all this in a showdown with China? Germany’s new government faces a choice – a dilemma. Should it keep following the money? Or does it need to think again? In this video we’re going to find out how Germany got so entangled with China, how the last few years have shown what it is they’re really dealing with. And we’ll examine whether the new team running Germany really wants to make a new start.

Can China still become the world’s largest economy?
Runtime 25:12 min
A short Documentary by CNBC: How inflation works
Ever wondered how your grandparents bought a house with what would barely be enough to buy a used car today? The prices for things are constantly going up, and the main reason is inflation.

A short Documentary by CNBC: How inflation works
Runtime 12:30 min
A short Documentary by CNBC: How inflation works
Ever wondered how your grandparents bought a house with what would barely be enough to buy a used car today? The prices for things are constantly going up, and the main reason is inflation.

Everything You Need To Know About Money, Inflation. How The System Works
Runtime 50 min
Documentary film: Everything You Need To Know About Money, Inflation. How The System Works
While the world comes out of economic recession due to the pandemic, a lot of things are changing. High inflation, stimulus packages, interest rates. All these words are popping up on the news, but it’s hard to figure out how does the whole system work. In this video, we explain all of that and more.

CNA Documentary: How Is Inflation Leading To Political Instability? The Perfect Storm (Part 2/2)
Runtime 46:27 min
CNA Documentary: How Is Inflation Leading To Political Instability? The Perfect Storm (Part 2/2)
A Perfect Storm of war, climate change and disease is fueling inflation. In the US and UK, more are turning to food banks to seek help. In Southeast Asia, students drop out of schools, as families struggle to make ends meet. On top of that, companies worry of geopolitical risk, a Taiwan contingency and what that may do to supply chains that are already stressed. In this documentary, eminent global thinkers weigh in on these shocks to the global system, and discuss possible ways forward.

Runtime 1 h 41 min

Dangerous Charm (1984)
Runtime 1 h 27 min
Dangerous Charm (1984)
He is well educated, charming, and gallant – a dream for each lonely lady. In reality he is a skillful swindler, who robs naive women. Cheating merchants with guilty consciences are his targets as well. This is the elusive protagonist of the movie. He constantly changes his name, stages his own death, and travels from town to town. His exploits are myriad and his life is an endless adventure. Yet, he remains an amiable swindler, an unrealized actor, whose only goal is make his life more interesting.

Runtime 1h 20 min
Bulgarian feature film - Whale
Whale (Bulgarian: Кит / Kit) is a 1970 Bulgarian satirical comedy film directed by Petar B. Vasilev and written by Cheremuhin. The film stars Georgi Kaloyanchev, Dimitar Panov, Georgi Partsalev, Grigor Vachkov and Tsvyatko Nikolov. 76 min.

The most active students will be awarded with the memorable prizes by our jury for active participation in group discussions and the best online comments during the online voting for films.
VOTING starts on 19.04.2023 and ends on 21.04.2023. The results will be announced durung the closing ceremony and all information will be placed on the website: http://economy-filmdays.info.
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